Ready Signal API Documentation – Python 3.6+

This library is designed to be a wrapper for the Ready Signal API: 

It is also hosted on GitHub: 

Please direct all questions and/or recommendations to

Download the PDF file of all the below instructions

The Ready Signal API Python library can be found here:
pip install readysignal
Your access token and signal ID can be found on your “Manage Signal” page within the Output information. Your signal ID is also visible within the URL of the “Manage Signal” page:
import readysignal as rs
access_token = “your access token”
signal_id = 0 # this is your unique signal id number
List Signals
Using your access_token , you can list all signals and metadata that are associated with your Ready Signal account.
Example Output
{‘data’: [{
‘id’: 0,
‘name’: ‘Signal Name’,
‘description’: ‘Signal Description’,
‘desired_geo_grain’: ‘Country’,
‘desired_time_grain’: ‘Month’,
‘start_at’: ’11/01/2019′,
‘end_at’: ’01/31/2020′,
‘created_at’: ’07/23/2020′,
‘updated_at’: ’07/28/2020′,
‘deleted_at’: None,
‘company’: {
‘id’: 0,
‘chargebee_id’: ‘ID Hash’,
‘name’: ‘Company Name’,
‘plan_id’: 0,
‘plan_value_id’: 0,
‘subscription_status’: ‘active’,
‘created_at’: ‘2020-07-23 13:20:17’,
‘updated_at’: ‘2020-08-03 11:33:50’,
‘need_listining_webhook’: 0,
‘addon_users’: None,
‘notify_after_processing’: 0
‘user’: {
‘id’: 0,
‘company_id’: 0,
‘name’: ‘Name’,
’email’: ‘Email’,
’email_verified_at’: None,
‘type’: ‘owner’,
‘active’: ‘yes’,
‘reactivate’: ‘no’,
‘created_at’: ‘2020-07-23 13:20:17’,
‘updated_at’: ‘2020-07-23 13:20:17’,
‘deleted_at’: None
‘industry’: {
‘id’: 1,
‘name’: ‘Automotive’,
‘created_at’: ‘2020-04-10 23:21:38’,
‘updated_at’: ‘2020-04-10 23:21:38’,
‘deleted_at’: None
‘analysis_type’: {
‘id’: 3,
‘name’: ‘Classification’,
‘created_at’: ‘2020-04-10 23:21:45’,
‘updated_at’: ‘2020-04-10 23:21:45’,
‘deleted_at’: None
‘output’: {
‘json’: ‘’},
‘links’: {
‘self’: ‘’,
‘manage’: ‘’
‘id’: 1

Signal Details
Using your access_token and your signal_id you can view the details of a specific signal
get signal details
rs.get_signal_details(access_token, signal_id)
Example Output
{‘data’: {
‘id’: 0,
‘name’: ‘Signal Name’,
‘description’: ‘Signal Description’,
‘desired_geo_grain’: ‘Country’,
‘desired_time_grain’: ‘Month’,
‘start_at’: ’11/01/2019′,
‘end_at’: ’01/31/2020′,
‘created_at’: ’07/23/2020′,
‘updated_at’: ’07/28/2020′,
‘deleted_at’: None,
‘company’: {
‘id’: 0,
‘chargebee_id’: ‘ID Hash’,
‘name’: ‘Company Name’,
‘plan_id’: 0,
‘plan_value_id’: 0,
‘subscription_status’: ‘active’,
‘created_at’: ‘2020-07-23 13:20:17’,
‘updated_at’: ‘2020-08-03 11:33:50’,
‘need_listining_webhook’: 0,
‘addon_users’: None,
‘notify_after_processing’: 0
‘user’: {
‘id’: 0,
‘company_id’: 0,
‘name’: ‘Name’,
’email’: ‘Email’,
’email_verified_at’: None,
‘type’: ‘owner’,
‘active’: ‘yes’,
‘reactivate’: ‘no’,
‘created_at’: ‘2020-07-23 13:20:17’,
‘updated_at’: ‘2020-07-23 13:20:17’,
‘deleted_at’: None
‘industry’: {
‘id’: 1,
‘name’: ‘Automotive’,
‘created_at’: ‘2020-04-10 23:21:38’,
‘updated_at’: ‘2020-04-10 23:21:38’,
‘deleted_at’: None
‘analysis_type’: {
‘id’: 3,
‘name’: ‘Classification’,
‘created_at’: ‘2020-04-10 23:21:45’,
‘updated_at’: ‘2020-04-10 23:21:45’,
‘deleted_at’: None
‘output’: {
‘json’: ‘’},
‘links’: {
‘self’: ‘’,
‘manage’: ‘’
Signal Output
There are three different ways to receive your signal output:JSONPandas DataFrameCSV export
# get signal data as json
rs.get_signal(access_token, signal_id)
Example Output
{‘current_page’: 1,
‘data’: [
‘start’: ‘2019-11-01’,
‘end’: ‘2019-11-30’,
‘country’: ‘United States of America’,
‘actual-snow-fall’: ‘160205.00000000000000000000’,
‘resident-population-by-state’: ‘9826013.22000000000000000000’,
‘actual-snow-cover’: ‘3.56158109943317700000’,
‘population-total’: ‘308745538.00000000000000000000’,
‘population-total-transformed’: 17,571.156421818115497622280458798
‘start’: ‘2019-12-01’,
‘end’: ‘2019-12-31’,
‘country’: ‘United States of America’,
‘actual-snow-fall’: ‘219691.00000000000000000000’,
‘resident-population-by-state’: ‘10153546.99400000000000000000’,
‘actual-snow-cover’: ‘8.28314041638492200000’,
‘population-total’: ‘308745538.00000000000000000000’,
‘population-total-transformed’: 17,571.156421818115497622280458798
‘start’: ‘2020-01-01’,
‘end’: ‘2020-01-31’,
‘country’: ‘United States of America’,
‘actual-snow-fall’: ‘220869.00000000000000000000’,
‘resident-population-by-state’: 10159386.99400000000000000000,
‘actual-snow-cover’: ‘10.69758409714073700000’,
‘population-total’: ‘308745538.00000000000000000000’,
‘population-total-transformed’: 17,571.156421818115497622280458798
‘first_page_url’: ‘’,
‘from’: 1,
‘last_page’: 1,
‘last_page_url’: ‘’,
‘next_page_url’: None,
‘path’: ‘’,
‘per_page’: 1000,
‘prev_page_url’: None,
‘to’: 3,
‘total’: 3}
Pandas DataFrame
# get signal data as Pandas DataFrame
rs.get_signal_pandas(access_token, signal_id)
Example Output
start … population-total-transformed
0 2019-11-01 … 17,571.156421818115497622280458798
1 2019-12-01 … 18,109.798447234298274239287429023
2 2020-01-01 … 18,732.472983479821748127047902849
Export to CSV
# send signal data to csv file
file_name = “test_signal.csv”
rs.signal_to_csv(access_token, signal_id, file_name)
Delete Signal
Use your access_token and signal_id to delete a signal
rs.delete_signal(access_token, signal_id)
Auto Discover Feature
Creates a signal using your own data and the Auto Discover feature. Please check Ready Signal site for tips on how to format your data. Currently only available at the “State” or “Country” geo grain and the “Month” or “Day” time grain. Use a file name OR Pandas DataFrame. Set create_custom_features=0 to prevent Ready Signal from storing the input target data for future use.
rs.auto_discover(access_token, geo_grain, date_grain, filename=None, df=None, create_custom_features=1)

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